Avel de Knight

american artist

Awards & Guest Curatorships


  • New York Village Art Center Prize, 1953
  • National Academy of Design, Paton Prize, 1958 and 1967
  • American Academy of Arts and Letters, Childe Hassam Fund Purchase Prize, 1960
  • United States State Department, Exchange Grant, 1961
  • National Audubon Artist Society, Grumbacher Award, 1964
  • Watercolor Society Prize, Grand Prize and Gold Medal, 1967, Centennial Exhibition
  • Audubon Artists Annual Prize, 1968
  • American Federation of Arts, Medal of Honor, 1968
  • Emily Lowe Award, 1970
  • High Winds Award, 1973
  • Audubon Artists Purchase Prize
  • Ranger Fund, Samuel F. B. Morse Medal
  • Palmer Memorial Prize

Guest Curatorships

Six Photographers
Western Electric, 1981
Dimensions 81
Edges Group, Inc., Bankers Trust, New York City, 1981
35 Under 35
New York Urban League, 1980
Corner Gallery
Brooklyn Museum, 1978-1980